This year we’ll read through the Bible together, one story at a time.
This will include:

  1. A daily Bible Reading Plan that will take us from Genesis to Revelation in 2025.
  2. Weekly sermons and Bible Classes related to the reading plan.
  3. Regular opportunities to share insights, questions, and ideas that arise while reading.

We hope to develop regular rhythms of spending time in Scripture to God in Scripture and experience the Bible as a single unified story that points to Jesus.

You may read every day, join us halfway through, or only read bits and pieces all year. That’s okay!
Just Read Scripture.

Read Scripture App

The Read Scripture App will help us read at the same pace.

Each day this app will provide a portion of Scripture to read, a Psalm to reflect on, and some helpful videos from The Bible Project that will provide context for what you’re reading.
You can find more information about this app and learn how to download it onto your favorite device here: Read Scripture App.
Watch this video for help getting the App set up to read starting January 1st. *Update: we will now begin our reading plan on January 5th. To keep up with us, follow the instructions in this video, but choose January 5th as your start date, and select “Read Every Day”

Other Methods

If you don’t want to use the Read Scripture App, you can still join us by using the Bible Project’s “One Story that Leads to Jesus” reading plan on The Bible App or by downloading and printing this PDF to read offline.

Listen to a weekly conversation answering questions and addressing ideas that come up about each week’s readings.

Listen on Spotify
Listen on Apple Podcasts

You can submit a question or comment about the readings here, and we’ll try to discuss it next week:

Would you like us to contact you directly about this question?

2025 Preaching Preview

Each preaching series this year will flow alongside our Bible Reading plan from Genesis to Revelation.

Winter Preaching Series

As we begin our year focused on Reading Scripture we'll have a refresher course on the nature of Scripture and how to read it well.

God's plan of salvation is enacted through the family of Abraham. We'll use the stories of Abraham's families to consider how our own families can be sources of God's grace in the world.

Spring Preaching Series

During the season of Lent we'll read the book of Judges together and consider how things go wrong when "everyone does as they see fit."

As we read the book of Kings we'll see what happens when we try to build our own kingdoms instead of God's, and challenge each other to make God our King instead of crowning ourselves.

The Old Testament wisdom literature will provide us with good advice for living with God and others.

Summer Preaching Series

How does the Bible use the image of the wilderness, and what relevance does that have for our own seasons of desolation? We'll consider these questions early this Summer.

Israel waited for their Messiah for hundreds of years. In our fast-paced society, we can learn a lot about how (and how not) to practice patience from this long anticipation.

Esther was called "for such a time as this," and so are you. God has given you a purpose, a mission, and the gifts to accomplish it. Will you answer the call?

Fall Preaching Series

What would it look like if we actually lived out Jesus' subversive Kingdom values in our homes, city, and nation?

There is no longer Jew, Gentile, slave, free, male, or female, for all are one in Christ Jesus. The early church's radial unity has enormous implications for how we live today.

During Advent we remember Christ's first arrival and anticipate his second arrival, described in the book of Revelation.

2025 Bible Class Preview

Here are some of the adult Bible Class that we’ll offer this year to go along with our reading:

  • Slavery in the Bible
  • Christians and Old Testament Law
  • Spiritual Leadership and King David
  • Women of the Old Testament
  • Prayer in Scripture
  • The Parables of Jesus
  • How to Talk About Jesus Without Being “That Guy”
  • The Resurrection of Jesus of Nazareth
  • Strange Religion: What made the early church so compelling?
Read Scripture 2025 Roadmap